In a realm where ten villages vie for survival under the shadow of the opulent royal court, a brutal tradition forces young women into a life-altering gamble. When Elira from Ashbourne, a humble farming village, is chosen, she finds herself thrust into the glittering but treacherous world of the palace.
Elira never expected her life to change. In Ashbourne, one of the poorest villages in the kingdom, survival is a full-time job, and dreams of grandeur belong to stories told by the fire. But when her name is drawn in the Crown's Lottery, Elira is thrust into a competition that could elevate her from a humble farmer's daughter to the future queen of Silvermere.
In a castle of glittering chandeliers and veiled secrets, Elira must navigate the treacherous currents of court life. Ten girls from every corner of the kingdom-nobles, merchants, and peasants alike-vie for the heart of Prince Kaelen. But this isn't just about love; it's about alliances, ambition, and survival. The stakes are higher than Elira imagined, and failure means more than losing-it means returning home empty-handed, to a family counting on her.
Amidst the dazzling banquets and fierce competition, Elira begins to uncover a side of the prince no one talks about, and her feelings become more tangled than the court's intricate politics. With her sharp wit, unshakable resolve, and unexpected allies, Elira must find her place in a world that was never meant for her.
But as whispers of betrayal and ambition swirl through the palace halls, Elira begins to wonder: is the crown worth the price? And what does it truly mean to win?