Title: Dino Disaster: The Lost World of Misunderstandings
Genre: Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
When Dr. Evelyn Summers and her bumbling team of scientists stumble upon a hidden valley in the jungle, they’re expecting to discover long-lost prehistoric creatures. What they don’t expect is a world where dinosaurs aren’t just alive—they’re absurdly eccentric. From a T-Rex that thinks it's a backup dancer to a velociraptor with an appetite for sandwiches, nothing goes as planned.
Evelyn’s dream of studying real-life dinosaurs quickly turns into a chaotic adventure filled with bizarre, often hilarious encounters. As her team tries (and fails) to communicate with these creatures, they find themselves in increasingly ridiculous situations—like a stegosaurus obsessed with flowers and a brontosaurus that only moves if someone sings it lullabies.
While Evelyn tries to keep the situation under control, the dinosaurs are far more interested in showing off their dance moves, sneezing on her, and generally causing a mess. But one thing is clear: the Lost World isn’t just about discovery. It’s about surviving the madness of a land where the dinosaurs aren’t the only ones acting wild.
Into the ashen night, of a billion stars, the serendipity of duality that is our shared existence, is both futility and eternal hope, the road that belongs to immortals.
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 In which a desperate police officer brings his only support mechanism, his best friend and his partner to a deadly mission.
#1 junhoxreader 11.20. 21
(Hwang Jun-Ho x reader)
STARTED 10.18.21 ~ waiting for season 2