In the small, picturesque town of Paris, Missouri, the magic of the Christmas season brings together old friends, family, and unexpected challenges. Hannah, recently returned to her hometown seeking solace after a difficult breakup, finds herself immersed in the preparations for the annual Christmas festival. With the help of her high school crush, Luke, a dedicated firefighter, Hannah navigates the festive chaos, from sudden snowstorms to culinary catastrophes. Amid the twinkling lights and community spirit, Hannah and Luke discover that love and forgiveness can blossom even in the heart of winter. Join them in a heartwarming tale of holiday cheer, second chances, and the enduring magic of Christmas in the heartland.
Richie Gardner is a very famous businessman in New York. He has a very beautiful wife named Candy Higgins.
One day their household was hit by unsavory news because of Richie's past that made Candy want to decide to divorce.
How's the story of Richie's household going? Does he prefer to keep his household with Candy? or choose with the woman he loves?