"Bruised Love" follows Vivienne and Emily, two childhood friends who escape their abusive families in search of a better life in the city. Leaving behind their small seaside town, they face the harsh realities of survival-financial struggles, loneliness, and the haunting scars of their past. In the city, they each find unexpected love-Vivienne with a mysterious man, and Emily with a passionate man-bringing moments of hope and healing. However, their newfound happiness is tested as secrets unravel, betrayal and heartbreak surface, and their unresolved traumas threaten to consume them. Blending romance, mystery, and slice-of-life storytelling, this is a tale of resilience and self-discovery, as the two women learn that true freedom lies not in running from their past but in confronting it, with love and friendship as their guide.
Everything in this story is sorta old now and I'm not really proud of any of it. It's honestly all cringe in my mind, so ig that's a warning to you all. People still seem to like reading this, and that is really the only reason as to why I haven't deleted the story yet. You guys enjoy it, so I'd feel weird getting rid of it. My thoughts about this story aside, I hope you enjoy this weird little time capsule of my old writing. It's a bumpy ride...
As the title says, This is a Monster Prom x Reader Oneshots book. I'm not very creative with descriptions so I guess that's it.
Artwork and Monster Prom(along with the characters from it) do NOT belong to me. The only thing that does is the storyline(usually; unless requested otherwise).
Sexual Themes(maybe)
Mentions of mental/physical disabilities(usually only if a request specifically asks for it)