Tyler Skelton and Aiden Wolfe, two high school friends from Colorado, stumble upon a hidden Stargate during a hiking trip in the mountains near Cheyenne Mountain. Drawn by curiosity, they activate the ancient device and are transported to an alien world, where they find themselves caught in a dangerous conflict. Narrowly escaping with their lives, they return to Earth, landing near Colonel Jack O'Neill's retirement cabin. After hearing their story and seeing the evidence, O'Neill decides to return to Stargate Command, bringing the boys with him. Recruited as part of a newly formed team, SG-X. They embark on missions through the Stargate, encountering new allies and foes across the galaxy. As they uncover ancient secrets and face growing threats, the team must navigate political tensions and dangerous technologies that could reshape the balance of power in the universe. In a galaxy where trust is scarce, alliances are fragile, and danger lurks on every world, SG-X must rise to the challenge and prove that even the smallest team can make the greatest impact. Disclaimer: I do know own the pictures, videos, songs, GIFs and some characters in this story, they belong to their original owners I do not any of series, animes or games used in this story, they belong to their original owners Warning: 18+, sexual content, blood, gore and extreme violence, plus mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, also mentions of suicideAll Rights Reserved
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