In the heart of Westeros, amidst rebellion, betrayal, and the fierce storms that rage both on land and in the soul, a bond is forged that will change the course of history...
Stannis Baratheon, the stoic and duty-bound heir to Storm's End, has always put his loyalty to family and honor above all else. But when Catryn Tarbeck, the ward brought to Storm's End by his parents, captures his attention with her quiet strength, the foundations of his world begin to shift. Catryn, a girl of noble lineage kept secret for her safety, has long admired Stannis from afar. She is drawn to him by his steadfast sense of justice, but when he steps in to protect her from his brother Robert's cruelty, she begins to see him as something more-her hero.
Through years of hardship and political strife, Stannis and Catryn's bond deepens, from childhood companions to reluctant lovers, their lives entwined by fate and war. As the Rebellion rages and the Siege of Storm's End pushes their limits, Catryn risks everything to protect the people she loves, taking matters into her own hands to save the castle from starvation and defeat.
But in a world where duty and honor are paramount, their love is tested. A marriage arranged for duty threatens to tear them apart. Stannis must choose between loyalty to his king and his heart's true desire. As the realm changes around them, their relationship will be the only constant they can rely on.
Torn between family, duty, and love, Stannis and Catryn must confront not only their own desires but the powerful forces that seek to control them. In a land where betrayal is rife and power is everything, can their love survive the storms that rage within their hearts-and across the Seven Kingdoms?
Stannis Baratheon x Original Female Character