Earthbound follows Felix, the reclusive protector of the earth element, who has long been isolated by fear and guilt over a past accident caused by his powers. Banished from using his abilities by his parents, Felix lives in the shadows, watching the world's other elemental protectors-Hyunjin, Chan, and Minho-become celebrated heroes. But when a devastating natural disaster threatens the balance of the world, the trio seeks out Felix, knowing he is the key to restoring harmony. Reluctantly joining them, Felix begins to embrace his role, forming deep bonds with the protectors and discovering love, purpose, and healing. As his powers grow, so does his connection with them, and together they face the forces that seek to destroy the world-and the secrets of Felix's past that threaten to unravel everything. Earthbound is a story of self-discovery, healing, and the power of love, with moments of comfort, fluff, and romance intertwined with action and adventure.
Mikhaela Janna Lim, daughter of a renowned business tycoon, craves a normal life away from the spotlight. She even persuades her famous friends to pretend they don't know her, all for the sake of solitude.
But when her path crosses with Maraiah Queen Arceta-a social butterfly, soft talker, and academic achiever adored by many-everything changes.
Will Mikhaela cling to her quiet sanctuary as an anonymous introvert, or transform herself to win Maraiah's heart?