Moon Child is a captivating tale set in the divided world of Astris, where the Sun Kingdom of Elios and the Moon Kingdom of Nyx have been at odds for millennia. The story follows Helia, the radiant and vibrant daughter of the Sun God, and Selene, the reserved and mysterious daughter of the Moon Goddess. Despite the long-standing tension and the strict rules forbidding any interaction between the two kingdoms, Helia and Selene's paths cross in a forbidden meeting. As they navigate the complexities of their worlds, they form an unlikely friendship, built on shared curiosity and a deep, unspoken connection. Over time, their bond grows into something more, defying the laws that have kept their people apart. As they struggle to reconcile their love with their duties and the expectations of their respective kingdoms, they must confront the deep-rooted animosities between the Sun and Moon, all while facing the looming challenges of their destinies. The story explores themes of love, identity, rebellion, and the conflict between duty and desire in a world divided by light and darkness.
Van and his friend Magus had reincarnated in another world with magic. Tasked to kill the demon lord, they set forth.
Van was granted very rough skills that made life for him in that world a living hell, yet he muscled through.
Magus however, was bestowed with unfair skills. Due to some of said skills, he gained a harem, which in time, included the girlfriend Van made in the world.
After beating the Demon Lord, and after finding out his girlfriend had been stolen from him, he got very upset and so he went to propose to- *reads script* Uh, WHAT?!