A couple in the Boeing airline on Ohio was taking a photo of themselves catching the shooting star but that shooting star alone got all the attention of the governments around the world, NASA, & such. leading to controversies to the early down fall of the humanity as Mexico spots an unidentified species theorizing it came from the meteorite and it was confirmed then it starts popping off from one to another in different countries. These Aggressive critters took no damage to the all weapon that we know today slowly killing millions to billions of people around the world as the researchers around the world tries their best to find the effective way to kill the Cancers, these are what the critters were called then Japan makes a massive discovery after long time marking the greatest comeback of the history. The "Seraphim", these things are a weapon of anti-Cancers as it means purpose is to kill Cancers but requiring to chant the code of the weapon from a user as it basically works as a password and humanities last weapon, while around the world was completely impacted by the Cancers and the aftermath of WW3. After it's massive debut and success it makes an massive exchangement to Western and European countries then forcing all teenagers or adults to become an soldiers with Seraphim weaponry but that doesn't stop as the people from around Western, Asian and European countries starts requesting their favorite type of weapons is sword and knives as their main Seraphim weapon until the Americans comes in to play. Then later moment when someone with disabilities requests a mech that powered by Seraphim and that's where a guy nicknamed himself as Dr. Richtofen then making crazy shts locked in 51. After months or a year later, A social experiment was planned by some generals of from Western America and Central Europe along with Japan aswell in secret and they specifically only chosed Y/n who just finished his check ups and his oblivious to what's going to happen to him.All Rights Reserved