HEATHER, Our school valedictorian runner up, dating top soccer player of the school, she is in the most popular group,the richest girl in the school, accompanied by her sister
SERENA, Our school it girl, dating captain if the football team, is the leader of the most popular group, captain of the cheerleading team,BUT what happens when serena's boyfriend breaks up with her so she decides to make a fake dating deal with her sister's high school enemy,
NICHOLAS, Our school valedictorian runner up, school's most well known fvck boy, also your best link for everything private jets, parties, drugs you name it and he has it, he is in the most popular group
The fake dating deal all starts off going fine until Heather and Nicholasf hook up, just once but now they are addicted, they promise not to fall for eachother just hook up no strings attached,
Will they let go of their reputation and their differences, will they fall in love?
will they just accept they can't be together so they let go of each other
Millie Ripley has only ever known one player next door. Luke Dawson. But with only a couple months left before he graduates and a blackmailer on the loose, will their love story stand the test of time? And will they both need to grow up to face the truth?