In a world where magic is everything and people gain their magical affinity at the age of six, Belamine "Arl" Moonlight is born into the prestigious Moonlight family, one of the most powerful noble houses in the kingdom. But despite his lineage, Arl's magical affinity-healing-is seen as weak and useless by those around him. Neglected by his parents, ridiculed by his peers, and constantly overshadowed by his more powerful siblings, Arl feels like nothing but a failure. But after years of being belittled and overlooked, he decides to escape and forge a new life for himself.
Armed with nothing but his scythe and the skills he's forced to develop on his own, Arl embarks on a dangerous journey through the wilds of the world. He encounters deadly monsters, uncovers hidden strengths within himself, and learns what it truly means to survive in a world where only power matters.