Set in the picturesque town of Tønsberg, Norway, "The Gretts" follows the lives of Pia Gretts, a widow, and her three children-Jarle, Therese, and Monika. As the family navigates their everyday life, they are joined by Pia's Swedish mother, Unni Ose, who moves to Norway to be closer to her daughter.
With the arrival of Unni, family secrets and unresolved tensions begin to surface, especially when Pia hides a photo of her late husband from their younger children. While Pia struggles with the complexities of raising her children alone, Unni, a strong-willed grandmother, offers her own brand of advice-though not always welcome.
In the midst of family dynamics, we get a glimpse of the younger generation's world: Therese, always the trendsetter, spends her time creating TikToks with her younger sister, Monika. Despite their mother's warnings about screen time, the sisters thrive in their digital escapism, unknowingly bringing more attention to themselves than they'd anticipated.
As the Gretts family deals with their personal struggles, from the loss of a husband and father to the daily challenges of parenthood, they must find a way to stay united. Will Pia and Unni be able to bridge the gap between their differences? And will the younger Gretts kids learn to navigate their complex family history?
Join the Gretts family in this heartwarming and dramatic journey of love, loss, and family ties in The Gretts.
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