Title: The Lost Prince of Hogwarts
Harry Potter, born as the oldest child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, was destined for a life of royalty and privilege. However, his fate takes a dark turn when Albus Dumbledore, fearing the prophecy that foretold the rise of a child who would defeat Voldemort, orchestrates his abduction. Harry is secretly raised away from the royal family, taken to live as the child of James and Lily Potter, under the guise of their son, to shield him from the truth of his true identity. Unbeknownst to Harry, his royal lineage is hidden from him as he grows up in the wizarding world, unaware that he is the heir to the throne of England. As Harry's journey unfolds, he is torn between the world he believes to be his own and the destiny that Dumbledore has concealed. With his birthright hidden from him, Harry must navigate the complexities of a world at war, where his true lineage could either save or destroy everything he holds dear.