Runaway Children is a thrilling hero horror story set in Knoxville, Tennessee. It follows four extraordinary runaways: Camille Wright, known as Hot Shot, who wields the power of pyromancy; Lucus Aviani, dubbed Steel Wing, who possesses invincible wings; Amanda Sheerwood, called Tiny Tantrum, who has a fierce temper and formidable strength; and Aquarius Jackson, nicknamed Action Jackson, who thrives in any action-packed situation. Fleeing from their tumultuous family lives, these young heroes navigate a world filled with supernatural threats and dark forces. As they uncover hidden secrets and face terrifying challenges, they must learn to harness their unique abilities and trust each other to survive. This intense and gripping tale explores the power of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable horrors.
Olivia pope and her best friend Elizabeth also known as Liz since childhood works as a secret cover-up agency for the national government and often for the president directly.
Though I love Olitz I don't see Fitz x reader and why not.