The story follows N, a young person grappling with the weight of loneliness and inner turmoil. Seeking escape, N turns to the streets, where the roar of their Yamaha R1M and the smoke from their cigarette provide brief moments of relief. Despite these distractions, N's mind remains restless, constantly overthinking their relationship with their distant partner and the growing sense of isolation from friends and family. As they wait for a message that never comes, the overwhelming pressure of unanswered questions and unspoken emotions leads N to question their self-worth and the meaning of their existence. The quiet hum of the bike and the cold night air offer a temporary sense of freedom, but N remains trapped in a cycle of despair, unable to find solace even in the things they once relied on. With each passing day, the weight of their struggles grows heavier, and N wonders if there is any way out of the pain that seems to define their life. The story reflects the complex battle between external distractions and the internal chaos that one can never fully escape, highlighting the suffocating nature of isolation and the desire for a connection that feels increasingly out of reach