When three brothers-Shinichi, Akimoto, and Tatsu-die in an unexpected accident, they awaken in a fantastical world teeming with magic, monsters, and destiny. Reborn with extraordinary powers tied to their newfound identities, the brothers quickly realize one thing hasn't changed: their relentless sibling rivalry.
Shinichi, the oldest and now an archangel, can learn any skill just by watching and possesses superhuman reflexes.
Akimoto, the cunning middle brother, is reborn as a demonlord with unmatched defensive prowess and a mysterious ability to turn the tables in any battle.
Tatsu, the shy youngest brother, is now a half-dragonborn warrior with scales of steel, draconic senses, and the power to channel his heritage into his katana for devastating attacks.
Thrown into a world of adventurers, legendary artifacts, and looming danger, the brothers constantly strive to outdo one another, whether it's mastering their powers, taking down fearsome foes, or even winning the hearts of those they encounter. Shinichi finds himself obliviously leading a growing harem, Akimoto starts a quiet romance with a kind healer, and Tatsu awkwardly handles an enthusiastic group of admirers-all while their sibling antics turn every battle into a chaotic spectacle.
But when an ancient map reveals the existence of a relic capable of enslaving dragons and demons alike, the brothers must put their rivalry aside and unite to stop a sinister force that threatens their new world-and their bond as brothers.
Fated Bonds: The Sibling Struggle is an action-packed, comedic tale of family, friendship, and rivalry, blending epic battles with hilarious sibling dynamics and heartwarming moments.