Bloodbound follows the journey of Galen, whose mother is on the brink of death. Desperate to save her, he teams up with Josiah, a vampire who once shared a deep friendship with Galen's father. Together, they undertake a dangerous and untested method to heal Galen's mother, involving Galen's transformation into a vampire. As they struggle with the process, the intense bond between Josiah and Galen grows, leading them to confront their deepest feelings for one another. What begins as a desperate act to save a life blossoms into a love neither expected, creating a bloodbound connection that binds their fates forever.
Thea a culinary student, Thea fell in love with law student Rio, their passion as fiery as her cooking. But a secret she kept, born of love and fear, led them on separate paths.
Rio driven and ambitious man, Rio chased his legal dreams, forever haunted by the memory of Thea and the scent of cinnamon that lingered.
Will fate bring them together again? And can love blossom anew..