"Amadioha & The Making of a God" is the electrifying first installment of the STAR QUEST Origins saga, delving deep into the mythology of the Igbos, an industrious tribe from Eastern Nigeria. This tale reimagines the God of Thunder and Lightning, known by many names -- Kalu, Akanu, Kamalu, Kamanu, and Ofufe -- as a powerful force embodying both divine justice and the free will of his people.
Amadioha, revered as the People's Protector, stands as a beacon of hope and retribution, defending the oppressed and restoring balance to the land. As storms rage and lightning strikes, the chronicles weave together the celestial might of Amadioha with the rich cultural essence of Igbo mythology, creating a story that rivals the legendary feats of Thor, Zeus, and Jupiter.
Through epic battles, divine interventions, and a quest to unite a fractured world, Amadioha unearths ancient truths and explores what it means to wield power responsibly while honoring the will of the people. This is the origin of a legend -- the rise of a protector who wields thunder as both weapon and justice.
"I hate you!"
"You're allowed to hate me but you aren't allowed to do the things I ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒, 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔."
Where Kim Seok Jin had to marry the world's youngest billionaire, unwillingly.
The man is everything Jin hates in a person.
He is obsessive, overprotective, very controlling and always wants things on his way.
Well, Jin being a arrogant and short tempered guy, stick to his ground,
He had one mission -
Avenge his best friend and turn this man's life a hell,
But what Jin couldn't guess was that his unwanted and enemy husband was more than he thought...more than he showed...
Main couple :
Side couples :
Tropes :
Forced marriage✅
Green flag✅
Annoying bottom✅
Happy ending✅