In 2024, with humanity on the verge of extinction, two teenagers, Alex and Noah, step up as partners in leadership (and more) to guide a small group of survivors. But after a rebellion breaks out, they're forced to face the consequences of a pact they made, a pact that declares their separation would throw the entire Universe into chaos. Without balance, the Universe would collapse on itself. When the collapse happens, Alex ends up reliving his life from the start in a completely new Universe, from birth to a very different 2024. Noah, on the other hand, is trapped in a dark void where time doesn't flow. It's up to Alex to rescue Noah and bring him into his new Universe, without remembering their shared past. As the story unfolds, hidden truths come to light, flipping everything with many plot twist. Sorry in advance if the translation might be bad. English isn't my first language. Actually, the original version is in Italian, but I tried my best to translate it into English so I hope you'll enjoy it! if you notice any wrong word or sentence please let me know to make this version better. (I'm working everyday at new chapters)All Rights Reserved
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