In a quiet, devoutly religious town, 19-year-old Emily struggles with the suffocating expectations of her overbearing mother and the shadows of her father's mysterious death years ago. When a series of gruesome murders begins targeting young women, fear ripples through the community, and Emily finds herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic and dangerous Wyatt, her charming neighbor with a hidden reputation.
As Emily grapples with her growing defiance against her mother and the awakening of forbidden desires, she begins to sense that the town's secrets run deeper than anyone dares to admit. With the arrival of Samuel, an old family friend determined to protect them, and unsettling memories of her father resurfacing, Emily starts to uncover fragments of a haunting truth buried in her past.
But the closer she gets to the answers, the more she realizes that safety is an illusion-and the greatest danger might not be lurking in the woods but within the walls of her own home.
Chicago, 1963. The war in Vietnam is underway, but Charlotte Wilson has other problems. When her longtime beau takes her to dinner one night, Charlotte finds herself in the company of the charming and powerful gangster Johnny Roselli. Danger becomes a new theme in her life as she tries to navigate her way through Chicago's underworld. By the time the dust settles, her only hope is life.