Title: The Midnight's Summer Star Subtitle: "Your Skates and My Mic" Rus Morozov, a new student at the prestigious Genesis Academy. Known as the "lone wolf" around campus, Rus navigates the complexities of college life with a stoic demeanor and an unwavering solitude. Adjusting to this new environment, he finds himself puzzled by the unexpected friendships that come his way. Despite his reserved nature, Rus's classmates are determined to break through his icy exterior and uncover the secrets of the mysterious life he leads after dark. As the bonds of camaraderie grow stronger, so too does their curiosity about Rus's nightly escapades. In a twist of fate, the arrival of a renowned recording artist in their neighborhood ignites a buzz of excitement and speculation. How will this unexpected visitor intertwine with Rus's secretive world? And what will happen when the skates of the night encounters the mic of summer spotlight? ⟬⁂-⁂-⁂-⁂-⁂-⁂-⁂-⁂-⁂⟭ Inspirations: "Take Two" by Miriorite / "The Muses Piece" by vintlyupis The human countries will have a more humane style to them with their names vaguely close enough to be similar. Do not relate to actual country's history or relations. The cover is made with the help of AIAll Rights Reserved