In the world of Zerynthia, dragons reign supreme, each nation ruled by a powerful bloodline of dragons, each tied to one of the nine primal elements. These dragons are the embodiment of their elements-mastering fire, water, earth, air, light, darkness, death, life, and void-shaping the land in their image. Above them, the Zerynthian Diamond pulses, a source of immense power that connects the dragons to the ancient magic that sustains the world. The hybrids-dragons born of two distinct elemental bloodlines-are emerging. Feared for their unpredictable power and shunned by pureblood dragons, these hybrids are seen as dangerous anomalies, their very existence a challenge to the centuries-old order. Born with the ability to harness the combined might of two elements, they are capable of unimaginable feats, but such power comes with a cost.All Rights Reserved
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