Title: Through the Veil
Jake Villegas, a building engineer with a passion for uncovering the unknown, stumbles upon an ancient portal hidden deep within the crumbling walls of a long-forgotten mall. What begins as a simple work project turns into a life-altering discovery, opening the door to a realm unlike anything he could have imagined.
Together with his long-time partner, Mel Aquino, an HR coordinator who is practical, grounded, and always the voice of reason, Jake steps through the portal into an uncharted world. Amid glowing forests, floating cities, and strange creatures, they realize that the realm they've entered holds mysteries-and dangers-that could change everything they know.
But as they venture deeper, the pull of this new world grows stronger. Questions arise about the portal's origin, the people they meet, and whether they can ever return home. With forces both known and unknown pushing them toward an uncertain fate, Jake and Mel must decide if their bond will be enough to navigate this strange world, or if the adventure will pull them apart.
A tale of discovery, courage, and the bonds that hold us together, Through the Veil is a journey beyond imagination, where reality and fantasy collide.
Junie is an 18 year old girl with a history of physical/emotional abuse. She has been seeing her esthetician for almost a year about her skin concerns and they have a great bond. But what happens when she forces her to be her little?
Will she grow to like it? Read to find out.
*Cover photo is not mine, message me to have it removed*