In a fractured world where humans and supernatural beings coexist uneasily, an ancient legend speaks of Mount Wonder, a place hidden beyond treacherous terrains and mystical barriers. It is said that the mountain holds the power to grant one's deepest, most heartfelt wish, but
reaching it requires more than mere determination. Trials await the seekers, testing their courage, morality, and perseverance.
Ami, a young woman with a heart full of quiet strength, begins her journey to Mount Wonder, driven by a wish so profound that it stirs her very soul. While her exact purpose remains shrouded in mystery, her actions reflect selflessness and unwavering resolve. Her journey is not merely a physical trek but also an emotional and spiritual trial, pushing her to confront fears, forge alliances, and challenge the very fabric of the broken world around her.
The story unfolds in a land scarred by the sins of humanity. Centuries ago, human greed ravaged the natural world, upsetting the delicate balance between magic and life. Forests burned, rivers dried, and countless supernatural beings were driven to near extinction. Though the world has since settled into an uneasy truce, the deep resentment lingers. Supernatural beings view humans with mistrust, and humans remain wary of the powers they cannot fully comprehend.
Ami's journey begins with her leaving behind the familiarity of her homeland. Armed with little more than her determination, she ventures into the unknown, aware of the dangers that lie ahead but unfazed by them. Her resolve catches the attention of beings who would typically view humans as foes, leading to an unlikely series of encounters.
When you started working at a pharmaceutical company, you didn't realize where it was your life was heading. After getting a patient mix up, you meet seven men who would didn't seem to want any other nurse that wasn't you. When you start to know them, you notice things that made you question if they were really human. No matter what excuse they would give though, you would always go home with a heavy heart. The day the truth is revealed to you, things take a turn for the worst.
This is a fic posted to my Tumblr (staytinyville). If found on any other platform it has been plagiarized and I would appreciate it if you told me!