In the bustling streets of Seoul, where Christmas lights glitter and holiday cheer fills the air, Bong Hyun-soo, a meticulously sharp lawyer, finds himself caught in a world of crime and unexpected connections. Despite the festive season, Hyun-soo's life is far from merry-his career is consumed with the pressure of maintaining his firm's flawless reputation. However, everything changes when he crosses paths with Seo Su-bin, a charming and elusive scam artist disguised as a jolly Santa.
What begins as a simple pursuit to retrieve a stolen wallet soon spirals into an unlikely partnership. Su-bin, with his quick wit and uncanny ability to vanish into thin air, proposes a deal: help him stay out of jail, and he'll use his skills to help Hyun-soo tackle the very scams he's always been too busy to notice. As they team up, their differences spark tension but also a growing bond. Hyun-soo's world of rules and order clashes with Su-bin's morally gray tactics, forcing both men to confront their beliefs and desires.
As Christmas Eve approaches, Hyun-soo and Su-bin embark on a daring mission-a reverse heist to return stolen goods to their rightful owners. Along the way, they unravel more than just scams, discovering the true meaning of redemption, family, and even a little holiday magic. Can two polar opposites find common ground? Or will the season's spirit be lost in their collision of worlds?
Scamming Christmas is a thrilling and heartwarming holiday tale of redemption, self-discovery, and love, proving that even the most mismatched pairs can find their own kind of magic.
These are GXG oneshots I've decided to write
This book is kinky so if you're not comfortable with that.. im sorry this book isn't for you
[Intersex: A girl having a dick]