Nadine Bartolome, a simple and determined college student, finds herself falling for Nickolas Joson, her charismatic and enigmatic professor. Their connection grows deeper, but just as they begin to acknowledge their feelings, a shocking twist comes to light—their families have secretly arranged their marriage. What starts as a surprising union turns into a whirlwind of emotions, with Nadine struggling to navigate her new life as both a wife and a student. As Nadine delves deeper into Nickolas’s world, she uncovers hidden truths about her husband’s past—secrets that threaten to shatter her admiration for him and tarnish his reputation. With their trust broken and their roles as student and teacher tested, Nadine must decide whether love can endure betrayal and if their marriage stands a chance amidst the chaos. This story explores the complexities of love, trust, and power dynamics in a forbidden relationship. Can Nadine and Nickolas overcome their differences and find redemption, or will their love story end in disgrace?All Rights Reserved
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