Can two boys, one bound by his circumstances, the other bored of his privilege come together or will their differences demand their separation. A story of harship, bonds, and what real love looks like in the face of overwhelming opposition. But is it enough or is it easier to let others decide for you?
St. Lucian's Academy is the premier all-boys private academy in north america. For generations it has produced leaders, athletes, and politicians. All of these having one thing in common. Their wealth and privilege. It was tradition that they attend, just as their fathers and grandfather's attended before them. So what happens when a boy without wealth and privilege walks into those hallowed hall? Bringing with him nothing but a scholarship and the talent to change everything.
Maddox McMillian is a national soccer champion and math genius, who refuses to believe how gorgeous he is. He was about to start his junior year when his entire world flipped upside-down, as his older brother became very ill. Now, the summer is over and in order to make sure his brother gets the best treatment, his small family pack up and move to a new school on the other side of the country to attend an elite all-boys academy in the snowy mountains of Washington state. Where he encounters a whole new set of challenges, as well as a snobby rich boy who challenges him at every turn.
Kenton Sebastian Hollingsworth III is the next generation to grace St. Lucian's and is expected to continue the tradition. His high standing in society and his excessive good looks have always taken him far. His life is an endless series of social events and academy activities. All extravagant and boring. All tradition and nothing spontaneous. That is until a short boy with a scholarship walks into the academy and his life is never the same again. Will he let this new boy corrupt him or will he corrupt the boy instead?