In the quiet, idyllic town of Redwood, life was simple-until the day it wasn't. Josh, a disillusioned 17-year-old boy, sought to make a mark on the world. In his desperation for validation, he planted explosives in Redwood's tallest building, thinking he would prove his power without causing harm. But something went terribly wrong. The building's collapse wasn't contained; it triggered a catastrophic chain reaction that leveled the entire town. Redwood was destroyed, and its surviving residents were thrust into chaos. Now, Josh must grapple with the magnitude of what he's done and decide whether he will own up to his actions-or let the world believe it was an accident. But the destruction of Redwood was only the beginning. As secrets buried beneath the town's ruins come to light, Josh discovers that his act of rebellion has unleashed something far darker than he ever imagined.All Rights Reserved
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