Episode 1: Honorable Discharge
A soldier returns after an 18-month tour of duty. The dream of returning home to his wife and his land were the only things that gave him strength to complete his job. But he was home now, and he planned on making up for the time he was gone. He planned to earn his honorable discharge.
Episode 2: Good Fences
The Brown brothers are triplets and trouble.
They share everything, always have.
This is a tale of how they make her theirs.
Three brothers who it seems want her just as much as she wants them.
All of them.
Episode 3: The King's Court
The King's court was a month-long event both the king and queen dreaded. Not that they didn't want to hear from their loyal subjects but one could only arbitrate some many land, livestock or love issues before you've literally heard it all.
To keep the intimacy of their relationship, the King and Queen made time once a year for a 2 week vacation to the small town the king grew up in, they spent this time wrapped in each other.
Physically and mentally. This was their time to prepare for court.
But this time wasn't like any of the others.
Not for the King or the Queen.