"They say hard work beats talent" I go by Mr Untitled after my first short story. I never was a fan of reading books. I never really saw the importance as a teen. Years later this became one of the things I'm attracted to exploring while I express. Ever since my final year of school I wrote an essay in my English examination and back then I had the best individual of an educator who wanted me to succeed. During the examination my teacher came up to me and requested to read my introduction it feels like yesterday when I remember how blown away she was of my introduction 😇 we had 350 words left. As soon as completing my final school year I persuaded independence almost immediately. I came from an average home and I'm grateful for how I was raised by a devoted mother and father. My parents got a divorce but regardless they made it work. I always felt different around other people. I never knew I was an introvert never knew it aligned with my character. Regardless it was true. sometimes tried to join multiple groups of people to see where I fit in most and I didn't really fit in. My silence was my weakness. I was never bullied but I was offended in directly regularly. Every time I took offence I left and never returned to the circle. Imagine being the quietest and most hated, Could you imagine the tension when I walked pass daily. Had me thinking if I'm crazy when that truly was just peoples opinion on me and I began to believe it to. Crazy person(giggles) You want to see. I made sure they gonna regret treating me that way. Cast Connor : Aka The magician able to go inside places without being spotted Val : The manipulator The pick pocket you need a dude to fold she's the one. Mac : The muscle and driver. You know when they say don't let him enter the car😩 Yeah his never been caught. Tasha : The Computer geek aka Macs crush.All Rights Reserved