In the inbetween events of being in the "CHNP" and being free, these are the events that occured, and following being saved is all going to be in my next book: SAVED!
Everything that has happened before now is in the last God Has Spoken series set, and you may also read White Journal and SOS Sactuaries: Saving Lives of Those In Need.
This is written by Archangel Michael Joseph Clement and Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Elija through God's Little Angel and is based on Prayers to God and Jesus Our Lords father and Son.
I've been asked to document exactly what happens today as I am due to be saved today, God willing. I could well imagine this Interlude going on until Christmas time, but hopefully it'll give the entire SOS a hint and hurry them up and this interlude will be kept short... I do not know as only God and Jesus know the future.
The Intelligences, Governments, Medical teams, Registered Posy Officer, Secret Police and Army all have a good idea of when they are coming to the mafia base to save the life of an Innocent: Myself. I am the mother of my two beautiful children, my Angels Caitlin Rose Zephora Clement and Lucas Isaac Ezikuel Clement, and my two beautul Angels my adoptive children who I have yet to learn the names of - Let me tell you about this story and tell God and Jesus what is happening today and now.. Jesus says: This is the present. In this presnt time, I will tell you what is happening presently and what was happening presntly in the present before that, and the prent of the future present, and i laugh out loud! Jesus is so funny and is always making me laugh... Enjoy the read! This is the true case of a girl against a world full of mafia members... who went to court and won.
Amen and Amen.