For decades, the small town of Elmwood has harboured a chilling secret: a string of disappearances, each more baffling than the last. When skeletal remains are uncovered during the demolition of a long-abandoned lodge, the victims' stories finally demand to be told. Sophie Lang, a disgraced investigative journalist desperate for redemption, sees the story as her way back to the top. But what starts as a deep dive into cold case files and overlooked evidence quickly becomes something far more dangerous. Sophie uncovers a decades-old conspiracy lurking in plain sight-a network of predators who have turned Elmwood into their hunting ground. They've been watching their victims for years. And now, they're watching her. With no one to trust and her every move scrutinised, Sophie must risk everything to expose the truth about The Watchers of Elmwood. But as she pieces together their macabre puzzle, one question looms large: will she be able to uncover their secrets before she becomes their next victim?All Rights Reserved