In a corrupt city, Kamala Harris, a driven and idealistic prosecutor, builds her reputation by taking down high-profile criminals. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she begins investigating a series of flawless heists and schemes orchestrated by a mysterious criminal mastermind known as Jewell. Jewell is cunning, brilliant, and operates with an unusual sense of honor, making her both captivating and untouchable.
Initially focused on dismantling Jewell's empire in the name of justice, Kamala finds herself drawn to the enigmatic criminal during a face-to-face encounter. Their connection deepens as their paths repeatedly cross, challenging Kamala's ideals of right and wrong. Jewell, in turn, is captivated by Kamala's strength and moral conviction, seeing in her an equal rather than an adversary.
As Kamala delves deeper into Jewell's operations, she uncovers the surprising truth behind her crimes-Jewell's empire is not just about greed but about protecting vulnerable individuals. This revelation blurs the lines between justice and morality, forcing Kamala into a whirlwind of emotional and ethical dilemmas. Their attraction intensifies, but their connection is dangerous, threatening Kamala's career, Jewell's freedom, and both of their lives.
when Jewell's empire faces imminent collapse, and Kamala is forced to make a heart-wrenching decision: help Jewell escape and risk everything she's worked for, or let justice prevail and lose the woman she's come to care for. The resolution is bittersweet, as Kamala makes a profound sacrifice-either her career, her integrity, or her love for Jewell-leaving lingering questions about justice, morality, and whether love can truly overcome the divide between crime and law.
[BEING REWITTEN! (will be gender neutral)]
#𝗙! 𝗥𝗘𝗔 𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗫 𝗩! 𝗚𝗜 ✧ in which a forgetful demon slayer is launched into the world of Teyvat all because of some mysterious 'demon'.