When humanity's thirst for exploration leads them to a distant, uncharted world, they unwittingly awaken ancient forces beyond their understanding. The lush, glowing planet, sacred to an advanced alien race, harbors secrets as old as the stars-secrets fiercely protected by those who revere it.
Nila Rhodes, a daring and adaptable explorer, finds herself at the heart of an interstellar conflict after her expedition trespasses on this spiritual site. Stranded and cut off from Earth, Nila must navigate cryptic alien warnings, the planet's living defenses, and the growing tension between two civilizations.
On Earth, leaders grapple with the weight of first contact, torn between diplomacy and survival. But as the aliens extend a hand of communication, it becomes clear their motives are not what they seem.
Caught between ambition and understanding, Nila faces a choice that could either unite the galaxy-or plunge it into war.
A tale of discovery, humanity, and the thin line between curiosity and hubris, Echoes of the Unknown explores what happens when we reach beyond the stars and encounter the echoes of a past we were never meant to disturb.