Ok, so where do I start? First off, I am NOT, in any way shape, or form glorifying or agreeing with Kitty Menendez. I really don't even know where this poem came from, TBH... This is more a poem that says 'Kitty Menendez was evil, and went to hell for it,' with a few extra steps. ('steps' meaning symbolism.' Soo, I'm a maladaptive daydreamer, and in my mind, I write scenarios based on different people, characters, and more. some of them I DON'T post on the internet, like the stuff about REAL people. see, since the Menendez brothers are famous again, leading me to research them for the first time and fall down a rabbit hole, I felt so horrible about what they went through that I wanted to add them to my big, 'brain story' as I call it. Basically, I don't have stories yet, but I have a plot point in mind. Erik's symbol is the purple rose, and Lyle's is the red rose. They make up something called 'The Brotherhood of the Twin Roses.' I don't know if I'll CONTINUE writing it, but it spawned this poem.It's about their witch of a mother, Kitty Menendez. I will include interpretations in parentheses next to each line. DISCLAIMER: This in no way, shape, or form was created to mock or trivialize what happened to Erik or Lyle Menendez