In the heart of a bustling city, Melish, a kind-hearted woman seeking solace from her solitary life, unknowingly entangles herself in a web of supernatural events when she adopts Ahti, a Kumarn Thong-a spirit bound to a golden child doll. What begins as a comforting presence gradually reveals a darker side, as the doll's mysterious powers bring both blessings and misfortune into her life. Through moments of love, loss, and chilling encounters, Melish's journey becomes a delicate balancing act between the living and the spiritual realm.
As her life intertwines with Kenneth, her husband, and their newborn son, Leslie, Ahti's connection to the family grows deeper-and more sinister. Driven by a longing for belonging and revenge, the spirit enacts a plan that shakes the foundations of their household, blurring the lines between protection and possession. In this tale of love, betrayal, and the paranormal, the boundaries of faith, science, and human emotions are pushed to their limits.
Layaknya bunga tulips yang sedang bersemi, parasnya begitu indah, cantik untuk seorang laki laki.
Arezka Cyrille Elworth, putra dari sebuah kerajaan yang dikenal dengan keagungannya, keluarga kekaisaran memiliki jabatan paling tinggi dari kerajaan lain.
Pandangannya berubah, ketika dia mengenal sesosok pangeran Jiseanza Clancy Federica.