Jadia is Heartless tells the story of twins Jaiden and Jadia, who were born into wealth but faced unimaginable challenges from a young age. Jaiden, weak and fragile, was diagnosed with a severely damaged heart that required immediate replacement. The only viable option was to transplant Jadia's healthy heart into Jaiden, leaving her to live with an artificial heart that sustained her life but stripped her of all physical sensations. As they navigated their new reality, the twins lost their parents at 14, leaving them to fend for themselves. They were sent to live with distant relatives who were ill-equipped to care for them, forcing the siblings to share everything, including a bed. As they grew older, they developed a deep emotional connection, eventually falling in love. Despite their strong bond, the relatives discovered their secret relationship and decided to separate them. Jaiden was sent to an orphanage, while Jadia was kept behind. The separation left Jadia disoriented and heartbroken, unable to cope without her twin. Determined to reunite with Jaiden, she embarked on a journey to find him, despite the relatives' attempts to stop her. In her quest to be with her brother, Jadia must confront the obstacles her relatives place in her path, including deception and manipulation. With the odds stacked against her, Jadia must navigate her way to Jaiden and reclaim their bond, even if it means breaking free from the constraints that have held them apart.