Yuta, a withdrawn teenager with a haunting past, returns to high school after years of isolation, carrying scars of tragedy and guilt. His father, Takeshi, a reformed underworld king known as "Professor X," struggles to bury his dark past while guiding his son toward a brighter future. As Yuta navigates his new life, he befriends Kenta, a spirited volleyball player, and Kenta's sister, Yumi, whose kindness begins to thaw his cold exterior. Meanwhile, Yuta's reserved nature intrigues Yuriko, a star athlete, who grapples with her own insecurities.
Through unexpected bonds, shared meals, and moments of vulnerability, Yuta starts to reclaim the life he once abandoned. But secrets from his past-and his father's-threaten to unravel their fragile peace. Takeshi, torn between his former life of violence and his love for his late wife Miyuki, fights to protect Yuta while wrestling with his own redemption.
This is a story of resilience, forgiveness, and the power of human connection. Amid volleyball matches, tense confrontations, and moments of quiet reflection, Yuta and Takeshi face their demons, proving that even the most broken souls can find healing and hope.
Indigo Quint is a talented and aspiring artist. But while she is trying to make a name for herself as an artist, she is an art teacher for bright students at Beacon Hill Center. She teaches many students including Duce Tatum the son of Jayson Tatum. They meet when he comes to pick Duce up one day, and it's definitely a spark and connection there that grows with each moment passing, but will either of them be ready for what could happen between them?
Duce is aged up to 6 years old (spelled his name this way for a reason)
All texts, post, images I use are only fiction not affiliated with anybody real