Born at the end of the Era of Strife, Miya bore witness to the unspeakable tragedies that befell the elves during the Endless War. She saw how the Abyss defiled the Shadow Swamp and corrupted many of her people into Dark Elves. It was not until the Moon Goddess created the Lunar Aegis over Azrya that the Moon Elves were able to thrive again under its protection. Miya became the Priestess of the Moon, and for thousands of years she served faithfully in the Lunar Temple, diligently watching over her people. However, with the continued expansion of the Abyss and its dark legions, the Land of Dawn is once again shrouded by the fog of war. From the Moonlit Forest, a call to war that has not been heard in thousands of years sounded again. Miya took up her silver bow and swore by the light of the moon to fight for her people.