In a world of cultivation where strength and beauty hold immense value, Wei Wuxian is known as a prodigious cultivator with extraordinary abilities and an enigmatic charm. Adopted by the Jiang family, his life takes a dramatic turn when Madam Yu, driven by ambition, announces a competition to determine his spouse. Warriors from all corners of the cultivation world arrive at Lotus Pier, eager to claim the hand of the masked genius whose true face is a mystery to all. Amid the chaos, Lan Wangji of the Gusu Lan Sect reluctantly enters the fray. Stoic and principled, his reasons for joining remain shrouded in secrecy. As the competition unfolds, alliances are tested, hidden intentions come to light, and a destined bond begins to emerge. Will Wei Wuxian find freedom, love, or an unexpected destiny amidst the challenges?All Rights Reserved
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