The story will not revolve around the original Harry Potter storyline but will instead establish its own narrative, using Harry Potter's adventures only sparingly. Primarily, it introduces new characters to the wizarding world, who will navigate their own stories in the background.
Vivien Northen was an orphan for as long as she could remember. The caretakers at the orphanage told her that she had been brought to the institution as a small child, almost a year old according to the doctors. They were the ones who gave her the name Vivien Northen. During her years at Hogwarts, she was known as a reserved character, most often found in the library reading about magical art history, pureblood family lore, and other topics that fascinated her-all while wearing her Ravenclaw house crest proudly on her uniform.
However, her life took a turn on her 17th New Year's Eve. Despite celebrating it at Hogwarts, the orphanage made it clear she could no longer stay there; by wizarding law, she was officially of age. In her time of need, a kind friend, Draco Malfoy, came to her aid. Recently, a shortage of house-elves had struck the pureblood aristocracy, forcing them to rely on human services. Draco offered her a position to help alleviate her predicament.
And thus begins a story filled with adventures.
References and Inspirations:
J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series and the films based on the books.
Disclaimer: This work is a piece of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places, or institutions is purely coincidental!