As I See It, Yes (Dallas Winston)
11 parts Complete "There's a difference between you and I, Austin. I am shit! I am going nowhere in life! I am stupid and worthless, no one looks at me without thinking of all that I've done wrong. No one cares about me! Why should I have any regard for what happens? So what if I'm in the slammer for a few days! So what if some broad cheats on me. You're different. You're smarter than anyone any of us; everyone cares about you and makes sure that you're safe. You do nothing but good things for almost anybody. You had two jobs or three jobs, while going to school. You have always been successful! Your parents knew that you would always do great things and they wanted great things for you! I don't have that, any of it. You're so much better of a person than I could ever be and you waste it! You have no regard for anything you have accomplished and you think yourself to be even more worthless than I know I am. I have the right to not give a damn about myself because no one has ever given a damn about me! You don't because everyone's life you come into gives more than a damn about you!" --Dallas Winston