Beacon Academy-a prestigious institution founded by the legendary Ozpina-stood as a beacon of hope for aspiring Huntsmen and Huntresses. Within its hallowed halls, countless students trained to protect the world from the ever-looming threat of Grimm. Among them was Jaune Arc, a kind-hearted young man whose cheerful demeanor and friendly nature made him well-liked by students and faculty alike.
But as often happens with those who shine too brightly, envy began to fester in the heart of another.
One student, consumed by jealousy, devised a cruel lie. Whispered rumors turned into venomous accusations, branding Jaune as a creep and a freak. What began as baseless gossip spread like wildfire, growing with every retelling until the student body was consumed by it.
Ozpina, the wise and fair headmistress, refused to believe the lies. She saw through the deceit, her faith in Jaune unshaken. But the damage was done. The rumor had already escaped Beacon's walls, spreading far beyond the academy to the four kingdoms.
The world turned its back on Jaune Arc.
The Arc family, once his greatest source of strength, succumbed to the pressure of public scorn. Fearful of the damage to their reputation, they cut ties and disowned him, leaving him alone in a world that no longer saw him as anything but a disgrace.
Mikhaela Janna Lim, daughter of a renowned business tycoon, craves a normal life away from the spotlight. She even persuades her famous friends to pretend they don't know her, all for the sake of solitude.
But when her path crosses with Maraiah Queen Arceta-a social butterfly, soft talker, and academic achiever adored by many-everything changes.
Will Mikhaela cling to her quiet sanctuary as an anonymous introvert, or transform herself to win Maraiah's heart?