In the bustling world of Chicago's emergency services, Kelly Severide and his little sister Maddison Severide are an unbreakable team. Kelly, a seasoned firefighter at Firehouse 51, faces life-threatening situations daily, while Maddison is a dedicated surgical intern at Chicago Med, learning to save lives in a different way. Despite their demanding careers, the two have always been each other's rock, helping each other through the toughest of times-whether it's Kelly's trauma after a fire or Maddison's struggles in the operating room. Bound by love, loyalty, and shared memories, they prove that family is the greatest source of strength, no matter the chaos around them. Their bond is more than just blood-it's the lifeline they each rely on in a city that never sleeps, where every day is a fight for survival.
Note: I do not own Chicago Fire or Greys Anatomy. This is a fan fiction.