Unfinished Game follows Juju Watkins and Maliyah Harper, two talented basketball players on the USC women's team, whose past is tangled in rivalry, unspoken feelings, and a shattered friendship. Once inseparable in high school, their relationship fell apart over jealousy, a boy, and miscommunication. Now, as teammates in college, they are forced to confront the tensions that have simmered between them for years. On the court, they are a powerful duo, but off it, they must navigate the pressures of academics, expectations, and the unresolved emotions that still linger. Unfinished Game explores the complexities of rivalry and redemption, friendship and love, and how sometimes the hardest battles aren't the ones you fight on the court-but the ones you face within yourself.
Thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoy!!
The Master Of The Elite School [COTE Self Insert] {Abandoned}
14 parts Complete
14 parts
Yes, this story is dead.
If you like my writing style or ideas, then check out 'The Emperor of Hollywood' on Webnovel. It's my first original story.
#101 in Cote: 13th Jan, 2023
#47 in Cote: 27th April, 2023