Two strangers in their mid-sixties come together to turn their dreams into reality. Their three-year adventure takes them through extreme sailing in some of the wildest and most remote waters on the planet, and they do it in comfort and style.
Many parts of this book read like an Action/Adventure novel and, at times, a Thriller. Some of the experiences, both afloat and ashore, are so incredible that some might consider them Fantasy.
But it all happened, and as the adventure unfolded, I wrote a blog that gained over 3,000 daily views and grew to over a million words. I condensed it into a 680-page, 315K-word, large-format paperback book illustrated with over 2,500 images and published it in 2013. This is a condensed rewrite of that book, but with Wattpad's limit of twenty images per chapter, I've included only 2,450 of them here.
Come get to know me, Deanna Faison, and get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on behind my stories- writing tips and tricks, social media advice, and a special Q&A for My Brother's Best Friend!