**Synopsis: The Revolution of Hujo**
In the enchanting kingdom of Hujo, where compassion and kindness reign, a young boy named Neon_Quest discovers that his extraordinary intelligence sets him apart from his peers. While other children play, he dedicates his life to a greater purpose-revolutionizing a world plagued by indifference and suffering. As he builds colossal machines and robotic soldiers, Neon_Quest embarks on an ambitious quest to awaken his people to the need for change.
When tensions rise and the threat of a rebellion looms, Neon_Quest takes a bold step, unveiling his creations to the citizens of the Quick Kingdom. With the skies filled with his flying robots and an army at his command, he stands before the bewildered populace, declaring, "We are not aliens or invaders! We are the revolution!"
As fear transforms into hope, Neon_Quest rallies his community to embrace their strength and confront the forces of cruelty that have long held them captive. Guided by the love of his adoptive mother, Elara, and fueled by his desire to create a brighter future, he leads a movement that challenges the status quo.
In this gripping tale of ambition, love, and courage, witness the rise of a young leader determined to forge a new path for Hujo. As the revolution ignites, can Neon_Quest unite his people to fight for compassion and understanding, or will the darkness of indifference extinguish their dreams? Join him on an exhilarating journey that explores the power of hope and the unyielding spirit of a child who dares to change the world.
Ishigami M/N, the older twin between him and Ishigami Senku.
After having an accident when he was young, his vocal cords were damaged seriously causing him to not speak very much. Since then, he started to learn martial arts for self-defense and also to protect his younger brother.
Except for losing his voice, he has a wonderful life.
But, one day, a mysterious light turned everyone into stone for hundreds, thousands of years. M/N tries to stay conscious by imagining things.
Thousands of years has passed, and he was unpetrified thanks to his younger brother, Ishigami Senku. Will his life turn around and get better? What will happen if he met a specific boy who he think is cute...?
Read more to find out!
~This fic will skip past Senku, Taiju, Yuzuriha and Tsukasa's revival.
~This fic may have a harem.
~There will be cursing in this story.
~There will BL in this story, so if you're not comfortable about it, please kindly leave ^^
~This is my own AU!