One night, a young boy named Okhee follows a beautiful, shimmering peacock deep into the forest, drawn by its mysterious dance. But what seems like a magical adventure soon turns into a journey filled with secrets, strange happenings, and a wicked witch with the power to steal happiness. As Okhee discovers a hidden world of enchantment, he must face the dark magic that threatens to change everything. Will he find the way to break the spell, or will the forest's mysteries consume him forever? A tale of wonder, courage, and the magic that lies just beyond the ordinary.
'That was the night which changed everything in the life of the teenagers. A portel started opening. First they thought it was a dream. A little did they know what future had stored in for them! Soon the portel grew larger and larger. What shocked them the most was, many vampires came out of it.'
This is the story of a fifteen year old boy, his sibling and his cousin who accidentally found a magical diary, later in the story they learn that the three of them are destined to maintain the balance between parallel worlds. This journey also helps the three teenagers to deal with the loss of their parents.