In the rain-soaked harbor city of Port Vallis, crime reigns supreme. A crew of thieves roams the streets, led by Cole, an experienced and charismatic burglar. At his side are Nate, a rebellious young man whose reckless courage often overshadows his caution, and Nova, a brilliant hacker who effortlessly dismantles any digital barrier. Together, they take what they need, following only their own rules.
But when a planned heist spirals out of control, the group finds themselves thrust into a dangerous game. Suddenly, they're in the crosshairs of a volatile power that seems far beyond their league. Soon, Nate realizes that far more is at stake than they ever imagined.
The shadow of the mafia spreads over Port Vallis, and the power struggle unfolds in a web of lies, betrayal, and deadly intrigue.
For Cole and Nate, there's more at risk than just their freedom-it's about friendship, loyalty, and the lengths one would go to protect the people they love.
FSK: 16
Content Warning:
This story contains scenes of violence, death, strong language, suffering, and similar themes.
If these elements are upsetting or triggering for you, I would not recommend reading it.