Inspired by The Vampire Diaries, this story follows Felix as he's torn between two vampire brothers: Jungkook, the good, gentle one, and Hyunjin, the dark, dangerous temptation. Felix knows he should be with Jungkook, whose warmth and care make him feel safe, but the raw, seductive pull of Hyunjin is impossible to ignore. As their chemistry intensifies, Felix finds himself drawn into a passionate, dangerous dance, unable to resist Hyunjin's allure despite knowing the consequences. Caught in a whirlwind of desire, Felix surrenders to the heat of the moment, unsure of who he truly wants, but unable to fight the fiery connection that threatens to consume him.
the horribly short love story between a boy who's only reason to live is a boy who is going to die.
With Warm Eyes
highest ranks:
#60 in suicideawareness